Employer Health Plan Advocacy Alliance

Providing Health Plan Advocacy to Help Your Business Thrive

New Approach

Most employers approach their health plan incorrectly and have been doing so a long time. Better strategies exist and are easy to implement. Employers are under the impression that their backs are against the wall but they hold the keys to unlock higher quality care and lower costs.

Real Community

The way you approach community health impacts each and every business and family differently, be a voice for yours! EHPAA stakeholders understand your community work together to ensure that healthcare access, quality, and affordability remain a top priority.

Smart Decisions

Decisions should not be made based on a list of choices and hope they are correct. Data should drive health plan decisions by answering specific questions. Focusing on outcomes that matter and focusing on care will reduce the cost.

Our Why?

We want to ensure that access to healthcare is simple, affordable, and that quality outcomes are achieved.

Our OTHER Why?

Employers are like the Emperor in the fairytale, "The Emperor's New Clothes"

Everyone is telling the employer that everything in their health plan is wonderful, working well, cost-effective... showering employers with nothing but compliments.

That's the fairytale!

Choose a path to a better health plan!

Employers have been gettting healthcare the wrong way! There are new strategies that keeps healthcare dollars where they belong. It is not a quantum leap, its just a change in perspective.

  • (440) 829-7565
  • contact@ehpaa.org